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College-Uniform: FHG and Banner Updates November 21st, 2022
Dear Affiliates and partners.

I hope this finds you all well, I know it is a busy week for many of us, this is just a quick update on https://www.college-uniform.com to let you know that over the course of the past few weeks I have now added more FHG.

https://www.college-uniform.com/FHG/collegeuniform001/ - https://www.college-uniform.com/FHG/collegeuniform036/ remain as static

https://www.college-uniform.com/FHG/collegeuniform037/ - https://www.college-uniform.com/FHG/collegeuniform046/ content hardcore video elements

We also took time to fix a gallery bug, with a few of the final images.

There are new banners recently created and we aim to bring you some video galleries soon.

Any problems / question or collaboration please feel free to drop me a line.

kind regards
